Meet Harvey Jackson

Meet Harvey Jackson, the founder and creative mind behind the engine of WebPros Media. Harvey is incredibly passionate about helping small businesses in rural America accomplish their growth by using marketing strategy to gain an edge in competitive local economies. Harvey grew up in Gillette, Wyoming and is familiar with the small town, as well as the small business dynamic. Harvey has been a serial entrepreneur most of his life, founding, building, and selling a handful of business ventures. At 16 years of age, he created his first business opportunity by selling his fine art door-to-door. Later, he launched a highly successful art career, becoming the guru for large-scale murals. He painted hundreds of paintings in the states and overseas. Harvey noticed the impact that murals had on the minds of people and how they responded to the images he painted.

This observation set him on a path of influencing people through brand messaging and marketing, sponging other businesses such as “And More Publishing” that published free magazines, ballooning at their pinnacle to over 100 pages distributed monthly to the Northeast region of Wyoming.

In 2007, Harvey founded WebPros Media, seeing the opportunity to harness his talents to help local businesses with different aspects of their marketing. This is done through building websites, branding, graphic design and connecting companies to their target markets on social media.

Harvey enjoys spending time outdoors, fly fishing, getting involved in his local church, and community serving on a number of local boards. This includes being elected to the board of trustees for Campbell County Health, serving two 4 year terms.

A self-proclaimed “cigar evangelist”, Harvey is also passionate about relationships, spending time with his family and friends, cooking, hosting parties, and preaching the value of relaxing over good food. He enjoys meaningful conversations, the awesomeness of a cigar, and genuine relationships.



Chair Of The Board of Trustees
Campbell County Health - 2016-2018

Executive Board Member
Wyoming Miner’s Hospital Board's - 2012-2016

Board of Trustees
Campbell County Health - 2009-2018

Board Member
Campbell County Healthcare Foundation 2011-2016

Commercial Real Estate Agent
Team Propoerties Group 2013-2016

Founding Owner / Creative Director
And More Publishing 2005-2009

Career Large Scale Mural Artist
Jackson Art 2004-Present

Creative Director
Visionary Communications - 2002-2007

Board Member
Advocacy for Visual Arts - 2003-2005


  • Publishing

  • Graphic Design

  • Advertising Sales

  • Google & Facebook Advertising

  • Art Direction

  • Real Estate Sales

  • Large Scale Mural Painting

  • Healthcare Administration

  • Board Governance

  • Photography

  • Cigar Guru

  • Trout Hunter


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